Intellectually, I know that my ego simply does not exist, but since I was very young I have always wondered why I was born into this body, and not some other one. Now of course I am my body, so the question doesn't make sense, but I still want to know the answer. I think about how I am the universe viewing itself from this perticular position, and I wonder why I am not viewing it from some other person's position. Maybe this is the only position? Maybe nobody but me is conscious? I don't really believe that. There are other people living seemingly seperate lives from my own who seem to be viewing the universe from a different perspective. For me to even conceptualize another perspective from my own is nearly impossible. Obviously the way I describe this whole thing is off, because there is no "I" sitting behind each of my friends or me for that matter. If there was then there would need to be an "I" sitting behind each "I" and so on to infinity. So that obviously doesn''t even solve any problems. The only solution is that there is no "I" at all. But damnit it sure feels like I view the world from this perspective and others view it from another. Maybe I am the universe I percieve. Maybe the universe is sort of broken up into little pieces, with overlapping points of view, viewing it self, bringing those pieces into existence. Then there are other pieces being brought into existence by other observers. But the observers are essentially the pieces they observe because without them they do not exist. It still strikes me as odd, however, that any part of the universe can exist that I do not experience. As far as I am concerned they do not. And so even as others claim to be conscious, as far as I am concerned they are not, because I do not experience their consciousness. It is easy enough for me to understand an ego-less universe if "I" am the only point of view. Simply, the universe is a movie that just happens. But when other "I"s are brought into it, it becomes many movies. This is much harder to comprehend.